A Fond Farewell to 1216 Walnut Street
For the majority of the people that lived through it, 2020 will forever be known as a year of significant change; a year where the world took a collective breath and was forced to rethink its priorities while focusing its energy on the basics: our communities, our planet, and our health.
For us, it will mark the year that we sadly closed our doors for nearly ten months and ultimately said goodbye to our storefront at 1216 Walnut St in Philadelphia.
The rikumo concept store started its life on a cold January evening in 2016 with an infamous sake masu cup fountain that was shared by a team that had poured months of sweat and hard work to hammer, paint, design, and will into existence. In the nearly five years that followed, it was host to countless amazing Philadelphians and visitors from far and wide, cherished co-workers, an endless stream of tea, dozens of workshops, and a constant supply of amazing #japanmade finds.
Though we are parting ways with our home, this is not goodbye! We will continue to serve the world-at-large at rikumo.com, and we look forward to welcoming you to our new (soon-to-be) home in nearby Ardmore, PA where we will be focusing our efforts, energizing our team, and creating a bigger, better rikumo shop for a brave new world. Stay tuned for all of our updates!
To commemorate our old home, we’ve compiled some of our favorite store still-lifes and snapshots of cherished memories below. Thank you to everyone that graced us with your presence.
We wish you well,
The team at rikumo