Beauty Rituals: Japanese Skincare and Self-care Products

The Japanese beauty regimen combines a daily skincare ritual with a diet based on green tea, rice, camelia oil, and kombu sea kelp. These beauty traditions have been passed from one generation to another to continue the standards of their natural skin tones. This ensures that people of all ages retain the ageless patina of beauty derived solely from inner natural health.

Japanese Daily Skin Ritual

The Japanese skincare ritual uses basic steps: cleanse, hydrate, nourish, seal, and protect. You should perform a double cleanse of your skin each night and a single cleanse every morning. After removing any makeup with an oil cleanser, use a mild facial wash to complete the cleansing. With your face clean, apply an essence or toner to enhance the skin’s hydration. 

Rikumo Beauty Products for Your Skincare Ritual

If you’re seeking natural skincare products made according to Japanese skincare principles, our Rikumo skincare lines seek to convey our belief in traditional Japanese rituals authentically. Our creams, lotions, essential oils, and soaps made from natural ingredients in the traditional ways, will serve you as you carry out each step of the skincare ritual. Please browse our website or visit our Rikumo store in Ardmore, PA, to find and experience these peerless products.

Some of the categories of products in our skincare line are specially chosen because of the natural properties found in them. Chidoriya oils and serums are derived from an herbal blend discovered by the geishas and can still evoke their luminescent inner glow. Geishas used their beauty in presentations of pageantry, and much of Chidoriya’s botanical selection was instrumental in their portrayal. Chidoriya preparations contain herbal mixtures of Azuki red beans, brown sugar, and camellia oil.

Learn the Secrets of Ruhaku and Frenava

Those who treasure their Okinawan family rituals find that Ruhaku is the ingredient that best expresses those practices. Ruhaku emphasizes the ancient shell ginger plants (sometimes called gettou) found in a place nicknamed “the Island of Longevity.” The properties of the shell ginger are thought to be responsible for a complexion of ageless beauty. Ruhaku is often mixed with argan oil, herbs, and clay for its application.

Those looking for a potent cleansing cream have come to learn that Frenava products - made from fermented rice lees (a byproduct of sake production) and blended with water from the kuromoji leaf are a perfect cleanser for the first step in their skincare routine. Our Rikumo store offers the perfect Japanese scrub towel for your cleansing ritual: our Sasawashi mesh towel, made from natural fibers of the kumazasa plant. Find these towels at our store or website, along with our full line of Japanese skincare products. Let these products emphatically speak of your inner beauty.

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