Festive Ties: Furoshiki Workshop
With the holidays just around the corner, we hosted our first furoshiki wrapping series for some guidance on unforgettable gift-wrapping. We've long been fans of this centuries-old Japanese wrapping tradition; with its artful folds and subtle elegance, there's no better way to add some pizzazz to your gifts! Furoshiki is versatile, reusable, kind to the environment, and makes even the simplest gift even more special. It was a good excuse to take a break from the holiday rush and focus on making some art of our own!
With the help of Kacey, our events coordinator, and Miles, our store manager, we learned about three different wrapping techniques: the double Bottle wrap, the Two Horizontal Knots wrap and the Odekake bag wrap. All of these arrangements were beautiful, easy to do, and perfect for your next birthday gift or BYOB outing. We had a great time wrapping together, and left with more than a few ideas for gifts of our own!
Kacey, our resident furoshiki expert, warms up the class with some basic folding and knots techniques.
A set of BYOB-ready bottles waiting to be wrapped
Practicing the double bottle wrap
Miles shows us the ropes for the horizontal knot technique
A corner shot of a double bottle wrap and the instruction booklet that students took home with them.
Feeling inspired? Try it yourself at home by following our wrapping instructions for three different gifts!